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Give Input on 20-Year Vision

St. Joseph County, IN, released its draft Comprehensive Plan, its vision for County governance for the next 20 years, as detailed at KPVillas will be impacted by the implementation (or not) of the plan, which is based on 8 Key Pillars:

  • Economic Development

  • Housing & Neighborhoods

  • Quality of Life and Place

  • Environmental Stewardship

  • Farmland Preservation

  • Government & Policy

  • Transportation

  • and Utilities.

Planning for the future yields benefits for everyone. The original ribbon-cuttiing for Crossroads Solar in September 2021.

The public can review the draft and give input via a virtual open house through September 27, 2024. A presentation on the draft plan will be made at the St. Joseph County Area Plan Commission meeting on September 17 at 1:30 pm in the County-City Building. The final plan will be presented at the Area Plan Commission meeting on October 15 at 3:30.

Most topics are pertinent to all County residents, like quality of life, environmental stewardship, transparent government, and future utilities. More specific sections detail interests close to KPVillas, like an economic development corridor along IN-23, bike lanes toward Notre Dame, and Granger septic practices.

Zoning is a mechanism through which much of the plan is implemented. Around KPVillas, most of the residential zone is filled with housing. Where land is not being used as residential (e.g., the agricultural parcels south of KPVillas), the plan calls for infilling of residential. A Clay Township map shows existing land use and future land use, while noting these do not translate directly into future land uses.

Two zoning maps--existing and future
Existing and future land use maps for Clay Township, with KPVillas circled.

More about the draft Comprehensive Plan's release is reported by the South Bend Tribune on August 26, 2024.


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