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Local Resources for Pond Ideas

At the 2022 Annual Meeting, Chuck Bueter solicited neighbors to weigh in on managing the Association's retention pond. A homeowner's recommendation that night leads to the Cardno Native Plant Nursery Resource Catalog, which has much relevant information for addressing the area around the KPVillas retention pond.

flowering plant around pond
Should it stay or should it go?

"Cardno now Stantec" has a large nursery in northern Indiana as well as useful resources online. The Cardno Native Planet Nursery links to the Native Browser, which describes itself as "an online tool that allows you to determine which plant species will likely succeed based on your site conditions."

Some examples of what thrives where (and an introduction to Mark O'Brien) are at the video "10 Native Plants with Mark O'Brien." While not all plants are appropriate for KPVillas, it gets ideas flowing.

Another local source for abundant information about landscape restoration is Indiana Nature. Their focus is "to help increase ecological literacy by providing information that is typically untaught, overlooked, and under-appreciated." Indiana Nature also has an active Facebook Group for dialogue.

Green thumbs are particularly welcome, but any homeowner who would like to share their ideas on KPVillas pond management should contact Chuck Bueter.


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