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Opt Out of Trimming

If you want to opt out of bushing trimming for the year, now is the tIme to state your preference. KPVillas President Loretta wrote February 14:

It's hard to believe that spring is upon us, but indeed it is, and we now must turn our attention to our landscaping needs for 2024.  New Generation Landscaping will be installing mulch in the next week and will be preparing our properties for mowing and other routine upkeep.  

An important element of upkeep is bush trimming, which occurs twice a year (in the spring and the fall). If you would like to opt out of bush trimming by New Generation, please notify me no later than March 25th.  If you do not notify me by that date, you will be assumed to opt into the trimming work by New Generation. 

Additionally, please be aware that an opt out decision applies to BOTH spring and fall trimming.  You cannot opt out from only spring or only fall trimming.  You may, however,  request that a specific bush or set of bushes not be trimmed. 

If you wish to fully opt out, please notify me by email and include your name, address and lot number and state you understand you are FULLY opting out.  

If you wish to opt out of having a certain bush(es) trimmed, please notify me by email and include your name, address and lot number and state you are requesting SPECIAL EXCEPTION bush trimming out opt.  

The KPVA Board of Directors needs to properly manage the landscaping of our development and address opt outs and special requests in accordance with our contractual terms, so we would appreciate the prompt attention of all residents to this request.  

Thank you!



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