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Restoring Display of Flags

A prominent aesthetic of KPVillas is the proud display of American flags affixed to lamp posts. Resident volunteers invite homeowners to purchase flags and poles in bulk, which the flag team will acquire and mount for display starting on Flag Day on Friday, June 14, 2024.

Please fill out the order form to select a preferred style of pole and flag. The two styles are either a flag with corner grommets or a flag that has a sleeve that slides over the pole. Because flags with grommets are more readily available for replacement down the road, the default pole style will accommodate grommets unless the sleeve style is requested by the homeowner.

To participate in a group purchase and installation, the order form and payment must be received by Friday, May 17, 2024. Make checks payable to Knollwood Park Villas HOA and mail to Knollwood Park Villas, P.O. Box 438, Granger, IN 46530.

The flag team will purchase flags and poles and mount them on the respective lamp posts. If you already have a pole in storage, your new flag will be delivered on or prior to Flag Day for you to install. Any homeowner with an existing pole can request installation assistance from the flag team.

For persons with lightly damaged flags who seek to display them again, a KPVillas homeowner has offered to mend frayed flags. Consider the adage, "A stitch in time..."

To dispose worn-out flags properly, a recognized protocol is to burn them at a flag retirement ceremony. An American Legion resolution details the Ceremony for Disposal of Unserviceable Flags, which is also held on Flag Day. Any worn flags delivered to homeowner Chuck Bueter (Lot 14) by May 31 will be given to the American Legion for their 2024 ceremony.

Flag etiquette and protocols are dictated in United States Code Title 4, commonly known as Flag Code. In particular, Section 6 addresses Time And Occasions For Display, and Section 8 addresses Respect For Flag.

Many homeowners bring their flags indoors during the winter months as an option. Per §6 (c), "The flag should not be displayed on days when the weather is inclement, except when an all weather flag is displayed." Hence, the group purchase will be all-weather flags. Homeowners can choose whenever they wish to display it.

For durability, the default flags with grommets will be the more robust polyester 3x5 flag for $40.00; a silver metal flag pole is $29.00. The flag with a pole sleeve will be a nylon 3x5 flag for $53.00; a spinning pole is $42.00.

Flag Code allows the display of all-weather flags.

Thank you for participating in this initiative to re-populate the neighborhood with American flags. The widespread practice reinforces the orderly appearance of an already park-like neighborhood, and such continuity of appearances among villas supports property values.

US flags enhance the appearance--and property values--of the neighborhood.

For questions or comments, contact the flag team at


Flags Around KPVillas


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