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Try This: Trust Your Eyes

Walk or drive from the gate on Huntington to the gate on Gumwood, hugging the right curb the whole time. Along the way, look at the houses on the right and count how many vent stacks, attic fans, roof valleys, chimney flashings, skylights, satellite dishes, damaged shingles and gutters you can see on the back roofs from the street.

Of your tally so far, describe home elements visible on the back sides that you find offensive from streetside.

Roof clutter-vents, stacks, skylight

Next, circle back and target your eyes on a smaller plane on the back roofs of those houses. What can you see that would be three feet in from the side edges, eighteen inches from the top ridge, and four inches above the back shingles themselves? Again, what on the back roofs, as seen from the street from gate to gate, is offensive?

Trust your eyes. You don't see the surfaces of back roofs. And you wouldn't see much if there were solar panels there, either. Many houses could deploy solar panels, to the benefit of us all, and no one would ever know.

Another option is simply to move through the neighborhood on a Google Map in StreetView. . Note that the Google map may be from Oct 2011, perhaps the most recent time Streetview was updated here.

Bottom line: Solar panels on the back roofs of houses on the eligibility map would not appear from the street. Claims about negative appearances are wildly exaggerated.



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