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Water Supply Cut

Irrigation of the islands is restricted as the water supply is interrupted. Historically KPVillas has paid Knollwood Country Club (KCC) for water that keeps the islands green. Recently KCC has stopped cooperating with KPVillas as the golf course, which is for sale, deals with maintenance of its aging irrigation system.

Parched grass, flower bed, and trees.
Landscaped islands are dry without irrigation.

At the 2024 KPVA Annual Meeting, the Board presented options going forward, including the possibility of installing its own wells to pump water independently from KCC. The Board is attempting to coordinate with KCC to make interim repairs, but it requires the club to participate in good faith and to allow timely access to waterline connections.

KCC's position is that it will only allow its contractors to service the connections at KPVA's expense, and it will only do it on KCC's timeline, if at all. Meanwhile, the grass has turned dormant and the landscaping is compromised.

Irrigation pipe connections need repairs, but KCC will not facilitate timely access.


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